JAR files can be unpacked like tarballs so it is likely that there is a common 
file in each that matches those hashes.
Sent from a tiny keyboard

> On Aug 7, 2018, at 04:54, Albrecht, Peter <peter.albre...@wirecard.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I don't see how that is even remotely possibly. They are three completely 
>> different hash signatures:
>> [daily.hsb] 
>> 9027093eab2a193081a763001e947371:4292:Html.Malware.Agent-6625344-0:73
>> [daily.hsb] 
>> 5591165097d53565d4e5f4e9fda8241a:7367:Html.Malware.Agent-6625164-0:73
>> [daily.hsb] 
>> f4116176a108054001a0e29e2ea105e6:6996:Html.Malware.Agent-6625283-0:73
>> You should have already submitted this file to ClamAV as a false positive, 
>> so what was it's MD5 hash?
> I have submitted two files which have been reported. Their MD5 sums are:
> 88cc3123fce88d61b7c2cdbfc33542c5  httpclient-4.3.3.jar
> 9221d898bfa2fa19fa9bc307351f34a1  storm-submit-tools-1.1.1.jar
> Strangely, they are reported with the same signature. And after whitelisting 
> the first
> one, the second one is reported. And then the third ...
> This started about 10 days ago, nothing has been reported before that.
> Thanks,
> Peter Albrecht
> Senior Linux Administrator 
> Wirecard Service Technologies GmbH
> Einsteinring 35 | 85609 Aschheim | Germany
> Tel: +49 (0) 89 4424-191076
> https://www.wirecard.com
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