Tripwire presumes a golden fileset at the outset, that is, scanned to the degree possible before enabling Tripwire. The fear of zero-day loop is infinite.


On 3/21/18 6:41 PM, Paul Kosinski wrote:
A few years ago, when Tripwire was no longer free, I set up a "scan
once" environment for ClamAV, identifying files using SHA1 hashing
(with a few 'stat' results like inode and timestamp for good measure).

I gave up when I realized that even if a file had already been scanned,
it might have contained "0-day" malware when it was scanned. This could
make it quite nasty, especially if ClamAV is behind in 0-day detection.

On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 16:56:06 -0700
Dennis Peterson <> wrote:

It is possible to integrate ClamAV and Tripwire to get to a scan-once
environment. Include puppet or CFEngine for a more complete tool.


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