> On 8 Mar 2018, at 9:08 am, Tilman Schmidt <tschm...@cardtech.de> wrote:
> What definitely isn't fine is this endless griping about how people
> should phrase their questions differently, know more than they do, have
> read this and that (blindly assuming that they hadn't) and so on which
> contributes exactly nothing to a solution.
> What isn't fine either is rude language.
> Joel's reaction was the appropriate one: neither jumping to conclusions
> nor berating the person seeking help, but cleary and politely asking for
> the missing information.
> Sorry for contributing to the flamewar but I have observed this long
> enough now to run out of patience.

Hear hear!

Maybe there should be policy of some sort for contributions to this mailing 
list. Something with a 3 strikes rule?

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