
Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 21, 2017, at 20:27, Alex <> wrote:
> Hi, I reported an encrypted word macro virus this morning, and this
> evening it is still not detected by sanesecurity or clamav proper.
> How long does it typically take for a sample to be analyzed and a
> pattern to be created?

Generally speaking, a couple hours (sometimes 4, sometimes 8, depending on 
automation schedules)  Because it was encrypted, it may be a bit more 
difficult, so I'll have to look into it.  What is the sha256 hash of the file?

> What is the typical procedure going on behind the scenes? Is this a priority?

Most of what comes in via the website is taken care of automatically.  The 
stuff that isn't taken care of automatically has to be looked at.  

> I don't even bother reporting them to sophos, et al because it's
> sometimes days before they're added. I was expecting better from
> clamav...

Interesting, considering Sophos is not a free product.  

> There's still no ticketing or follow-up mechanism with samples, so I
> have no way of indicating which sample I sent...

We are working on that.  

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