Em 04/03/17 22:03, Reindl Harald escreveu:
Am 04.03.2017 um 23:54 schrieb Joel Esler (jesler):
We cannot be tied to distribution support problems.
but when you think as long as every other software works on
RHEL/CentOS and only ClamAV decides to make hard requirements breaking
that from one day to another i fear ClamAV (as apckage not directly
maintained by Redhat alt all) won#t win anything
While I still think that clamav should not be tied to any specific
distribution support, i definitely agree that simply breaking running
instances was a TERRIBLE idea. Raising up lib version requirements on a
next version, allowing signatures to be identified as incompatible and
disabled as already discussed, would have been the only smart way of
doing that. The way it was done, and quickly corrected it's important to
say, wasn't intelligent at all !!
Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
Leonardo Rodrigues
Solutti Tecnologia
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