Thanks for the explanation, but all the user issues observed by Mark and I 
involved scan engine 0.99.2.


On Mon, Nov 07, 2016 at 06:48 AM, Joel Esler (jesler) wrote:
> We split the daily into two, essentially, from what I understand.   Then 
> changed the flevel on the second set.  This will allow older versions of 
> ClamAV to receive updates, without crashing and newer versions of ClamAV to 
> handle everything.  
> Maybe the speed of the connection or the mirror?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 9:12 AM, Mark Allan <> wrote:
>> Hi Joel,
>> Thanks for the explanation.  I'm still confused/surprised as to why such a 
>> large cdiff should cause freshclam to hang though.  What is the file size 
>> limit that freshclam can handle safely? Also, given the cdiff file was 
>> approximately the same size as the entire daily db, would it have been 
>> better simply to skip that cdiff, causing everyone to re-download a new 
>> daily.cvd?  Or is that not advisable for some reason?
>> Thanks.
>> Mark
>>> On 7 Nov 2016, at 1:58 pm, Joel Esler (jesler) <> wrote:
>>> Oh my, I apologize, it just dawned on me that I sent a note to the mirrors 
>>> list, but not to the users list.
>>> A "larger than normal" cdiff to the Daily.cvd was published.  Unfortunately 
>>> with the timeline that we had to publish it, and my personal travel 
>>> schedule, I was not able to put out a note prior to it being published, but 
>>> I wanted to take a second to explain what happened.
>>> The failure condition symptom in ClamAV was the message "LibClamAV Error: 
>>> mpool_malloc(): Attempt to allocate 8388608<tel:8388608> bytes.", and was 
>>> documented as ClamAV bug 11647: 
>>> This affects ClamAV versions before 0.98. There is a maximum mpool size 
>>> limit that was reached based on the total signatures combined in memory of 
>>> ClamAV holding the main and daily CVD.
>>> Those versions of ClamAV are EOL, and we knew we wanted to continue to add 
>>> coverage for ClamAV users. We found a way to fit a smaller working 
>>> signature set within the memory limits for the unsupported older versions, 
>>> while still providing all signature content for supported and future 
>>> versions. Therefore many new signatures will be marked for ClamAV 0.98 and 
>>> forward (flevel increase) , and we have shifted a large number of 
>>> signatures to allow prior versions to load the smaller signature set.
>>> We still strongly recommend that ClamAV users update their software in 
>>> order to get full coverage from ClamAV. We cannot change the hard limits of 
>>> the old versions, but from the comments on the mailing list and Bugzilla 
>>> this should smooth the upgrade path. For any users running into issues 
>>> upgrading ClamAV, look on the ClamAV Bugzilla for details. Several other 
>>> tricky upgrade related questions have already been raised and settled in 
>>> the comment section.
>>> Bottom line is, if you are using a version of ClamAV prior to 0.98.0 (0.97, 
>>> 0.96, etc) you need to upgrade _now_.
>>> Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions concerning this.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Nov 7, 2016, at 6:52 AM, Mark Allan 
>>> <<>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Was "daily-22474.cdiff" supposed to be ~20MB in size? The freshclam binary 
>>> seems to hang whilst processing it, and if left long enough, you end up 
>>> with a corrupt daily.cld database.
>>> I'm surprised no-one else has reported this here, so I'm wondering was it 
>>> only the UK mirrors that were affected? Has anyone any idea what went wrong?
>>> Mark
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Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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