Hi, we use clamav on an intern mailrelay with postfix. For Filesystem scanning we use additionally VSEL from McAfee / Intel. Last month we had the case that an email with an infected attachement was unpacked to /tmp/clamav-...... for scanning, but we hadn't excluded the /tmp/ directory from VSEL On-Access Scanning, so VSEL identified the infected attachment, and moved it to ist quarantine folder. This lead to an Read Error in the ClamAV scanning process on whitch end ClamAV released the attachment and it was fowarded tot he destination adress. The question is, can I configure what ClamAV should do if it comes to an error while scanning? On VSEL for example I can configure that in case of an error it should denie access to the scanned file. Is this also possible vor ClamAV?
Best regards Robert _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: https://github.com/vrtadmin/clamav-faq http://www.clamav.net/contact.html#ml