So to be clear, it is not detected or it is detected?
-- Joel Esler | Talos: Manager|<> On Oct 19, 2016, at 9:50 AM, Heino Backhaus <<>> wrote: Hello List, we've received totay early in the morning mails with a word document containing a malicius macro, which was not detected by clamav. It is now detected as Doc.Dropper.Agent-177659. I've set up clamd with the OLE2BlockMacros yes option which normaly works fine, but not with this file. Even though i've reported this as a bug, i just whanted to ask if somebody knows more about this. -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen H. Backhaus Fink-Computer Systeme Heggrabenstr. 9, 35435 Wettenberg Email:<> Web:<> Fax: +49-641-98444638 Fon: +49-641-98444640 UST-ID: DE151040770 HRB: 2143 Gießen GF: Fredi Fink "In retrospect it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated!" -Alfred E. Neumann _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: