On Feb 17, 2016, at 9:01 PM, Tsutomu Oyamada wrote:
> A false positive which detects normal file as a malware 
> "win.Trojan.Bancos-2115" was occurred last week.
> It was started CVD version 21359 and was fixed by 21362.
> Could you tell us what was the cause of this false positive?

Did you read the lengthy discussion on this very subject earlier today?  
Anything I could say would be pure speculation.  Only the ClamAV Signature Team 
can give you an exact answer to that, should they elect to do so.

> And also, could you tell us what steps do you take to prevent false positives?

Submit samples to ClamAV’s Report False Positives page 
<http://www.clamav.net/reports/fp>, subscrible to clamav-virusdb and wait.

If it seriously impacts your operations, add a local.ign2 file to the database 
containing the infection name or a local.fp file containing the name of the 
detected file(s) until resolved.

> I have another question, has the false positive of 
> "Zip.Suspect.MacroDoubleExtension-zippwd" fixed?

Not for me, but there were a number of different types of files involved, so 
everybody that has one or more needs to submit them.

> T.Oyamada

Al Varnell
ClamXav User

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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