On Wednesday 17 February 2016 14:12:54 Groach wrote:

> On 17/02/2016 19:34, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Wednesday 17 February 2016 12:01:11 Noel Jones wrote:
> >> On 2/17/2016 10:40 AM, Joel Esler (jesler) wrote:
> >>> Okay, so this is a long email, let me respond inline:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Joel Esler
> >>> Manager, Talos Group
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, due to lack of quoting it's impossible to tell which
> >> parts are yours.
> >>
> >>
> >>    -- Noel Jones
> >
> > That is also one of my pet peeves Joel. PLEASE fix your quoting so
> > the rest of us CAN track who wrote what.
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
> So the next thread with the same title, I have quoted him accordingly
> in my response.  (I havent worked out how to do a reply if I dont
> receive the original email notification). Gggrrrr!  Long live BB
> Forums!

Nah, those I can do without.  Having to launch a browser, find the 
bookmark, get there, log in, and then find the thread you are involved 
in, is to me a PIMA.

I have it all scripted here, so literally all I have to do is sit down, 
move the mouse an inch to unblank the screen, and on recognizing that I 
have seen & maybe even replied to the message kmail is showing me, a tap 
on that big + key on the right end of the keyboard tells kmail to go 
find the next unread message and show it to me.  If I reply to it I 
choose the reply mode, add my prose in the appropriate location in the 
message, add a thank you (whoever sent the message,) at the bottom of 
the active text, and hit ctl+return.  That sends the message, and 
another tap on the + key takes me to the next unread message, looping 
back to the top of the folder list if it needs to.

That, litterally is all I have to do.  Whats not to like?

Thanks Joel.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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