Without the exact name of the Shopperz infection, I can’t tell you whether it’s 
a recent definition or an old one.  There are currently 351 such signatures.

The Uztuby-3 was added to the database on 30 Jan 2016 04-36 -0500 in 
daily:21324, so it’s been there for a couple of weeks.

It would not surprise me to learn that an ISP was providing something for free 
that included Adware.  I’m sure that’s what Shopperz’s are.

ClamXav User

On Feb 16, 2016, at 12:25 PM, Jean-D. Ackle <jdali...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> Hello,
> So... it seems I've been a "victim" of last week's False Positives...
> First I got so many files on a Windows partition "infected" by the
> Bancos trojan (detected by clamscan running from Linux) I quickly
> concluded that particular Windows setup was gone. I just noticed someone
> on the list saying it was a FP...
> So then, I used my OEM recovery disks to reinstall the system and I
> "found out" the newly installed system with which I had NOT connected to
> the Internet yet was already infected by... Win.Trojan.Ramnit...
> I had already installed Windows 10 downloaded from Microsoft when I
> learned about Ramnit's likelihood to be a FP. And... again without
> connecting to the Internet, Windows 10, particularly in dnsapi.dll seems
> already infected by Win.Trojan.Shopperz. After a little reading around
> the Internet I'm getting to think this is yet another FP.
> Being that the FPs handling system in ClamAV seems to be a bit
> stalled... I would actually risk going ahead with disregarding it as
> such but ... I want an on-access virus scanner on Windows. My ISP
> happens to recently have made available a free subscription to Panda
> Antivirus and I'd like to take on that offer. But the downloaded
> installer is reported by ClamAV as infected.
> I uploaded it to VirusTotal and this was the result:
> https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f183a4a6cd5afc5f134bd718dffa3e79d7a5aa6c501b7a792eaf37903f454f55/analysis/1455647361/
> (only ClamAV reports it as infected and there is no conclusive answer
> otherwise).
> So, I'd appreciate some advice on whether I'd likely be OK with
> proceeding to connect to the Internet with the already installed Windows
> 10 and said Panda Antivirus to be installed prior to connecting to the
> Internet.
> Also, if there is anything I might help with (as far as submitting files
> is concerned (I'm hardly knowledgeable enough for anything else), please
> let me know.
> Regards,
> JD

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