To my embarrassment, the Windows/Linux detection issue was mostly of my
making. WinSCP does CR/LF translation of text files by default. The rest
you can now all guess. I transferred the malware from my Linux box using
a LF -> CR/LF translation mode by mistake. It is the CR/LF version that
is detected by ClamAV's PHP.Shell-83 signature. The LF version isn't.
Unfortunately, it's the LF version that will exist in the wild and on my
Linux box. 

Here is the VirusTotal report for the LF-only version:

With 25 out of 54 voting the lf-only version off the island. 

Here is the VirusTotal report for the CR/LF version again:

ClamAV is unique in being the only one that detects on the CR/LF version
but not the LF-only version. The CR/LF detection list is otherwise a
subset of the LF-only list. Which is to be expected. 

I feel like that guy who forgot to type "binary" in old-style FTP before
transferring a compressed file. While I am a little embarrassed about
the initial mistake (and not catching it for so long), I suspect it also
happened to the person that originally submitted the malware for ClamAV.
And it may illuminate a similar issue for other signatures, if there
really are that many with CR/LF in them. 

I have submitted the LF-only version to the ClamAV DB team with an
explanation and a recommendation that the other signatures with CR/LF in
them be revisited. 


On 2015-12-13 22:35, Kurt Fitzner wrote: 

> through. 15 out of 54 AV's surveyed find it stinky. Here's the link: 
> Interestingly, whatever version of ClamAV they use also detects it. I
> suspect they are using Windows since most of the other engines they use
> are also Windows. I'm interested enough now to compile ClamAV in Cygwin
> for myself and see what's going on. 
> Kurt. 
> On 2015-12-13 22:22, Al Varnell wrote: 
>> I didn't expect the test signature to be successful as my understanding of 
>> the way the scanner works requires an exact match to the ASCII string. My 
>> familiarity is with ClamXav for OS X which uses an unmatched version of the 
>> UNIX ClamAV engine and have no idea what ClamWin uses that might cause 
>> different results. Certainly appears that a bug report is in order for 
>> either ClamAV or Perhaps ClamWin. I understand you are certain that what you 
>> have is malware, but there is no guarantee that ClamAV signatures detect it, 
>> so this could currently be a false positive of that specific infection name. 
>> Try submitting it to [1] [1] to see what other 
>> scanners have to say. Let us know what the analysis link is.
>> As far as submitting to Cisco/ClamAV I think you should wait until we hear 
>> from them. They can always get it from VirusTotal, but they may have 
>> provisions to allow attachment to a bug report.
>> Sent from Janet's iPad
>> -Al-
>> On Dec 13, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Kurt Fitzner wrote: Just got home ans was able 
>> to test. Test signature from Steve fails to
>> detect on both Linux and Windows. Tested on Linux with 0.98.7 supplied
>> Debian binaries, and 0.99 binary compiled by myself. Tested in Windows
>> with ClamWin supplied binary. 
>> Should I submit my copy of the malware somewhere to aid with testing? 
>> Kurt 
>> On 2015-12-13 20:00, Al Varnell wrote: 
>> I would want to know the results of using the test signature on both systems 
>> first, and file a bug report if it turns out to be a ClamAV problem.
>> Sent from Janet's iPad
>> -Al-
>> On Dec 13, 2015, at 11:49 AM, Kurt Fitzner wrote: 
>> The question remains as to why the signature correctly leads to a match in 
>> Windows but not Linux. If carriage return linefeed handling differences 
>> between the two OSes are to blame, then I suggest a two pronged approach. 
>> Correct the signatures, AND patch clamav so that the signatures as written 
>> are processed the same way. Even if they are suboptimal signatures, I'd 
>> suggest they should be processed the same way on all platforms.
>> That's a lot of signatures that may not be working. Perhaps I'm stating the 
>> obvious, but if CR/LF are involved, it means these are likely scripts and 
>> such... just the kind of signatures that would be important to catch in 
>> Linux.
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