Just in case it's useful... ---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: [sanesecurity] Hacking Team detection From: "Steve Basford" <steveb_cla...@sanesecurity.com> Date: Fri, August 7, 2015 9:43 am To: sanesecurity_annou...@freelists.org Cc: sanesecur...@freelists.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rook Security (www.rooksecurity.com) have analysed the recent Hacking Team data dump (400GB) and produced a utility to scan systems for these files. Sanesecuriy have converted their analysis into 435 hashes into ClamAV database format. With Rook Securitys permission, Ive placed a new database: hackingteam.hsb on the mirrors for distribution. Note the hashes are for Windows, Linux and Mac OSx systems. Cheers, Steve Web : sanesecurity.com Blog: sanesecurity.blogspot.com Cheers, Steve Web : sanesecurity.com Blog: sanesecurity.blogspot.com _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: https://github.com/vrtadmin/clamav-faq http://www.clamav.net/contact.html#ml