Hi Clamav Users,
I'm getting a FP-Alert from a customer regarding the following sig:
The scan is done on our inbound authenticated mail host, which rejects our
customer's mail with the following error-message:
Fehler: <email-adresse-empfänger>host smtp.1und1.de[] said:
551 virus infected mail rejected ("Junk.Corrupted-50") (in reply to
end of
DATA command)
The only info I could find on this sig is the following discussion:
Can anyone tell me more about this sig and what it was originally
supposed to match?
I tried to submit to:
but without the orginial file, all I get is an error message.
Do I really need to make the customer jump through the hoops?
What additional info will you need to confirm the F/P?
Torge Husfeldt
Senior Anti-Abuse Engineer
Zentrales Abuse-Department (1&1 GMX Web.de)
1&1 Internet AG | Brauerstraße 50 | 76135 Karlsruhe | Germany
Phone: +49 721 91374-4795 | Fax: +49 721 91374-2982
E-Mail: torge.husfe...@1und1.de | Web: www.1und1.de
Hauptsitz Montabaur, Amtsgericht Montabaur, HRB 6484
Vorstand: Ralph Dommermuth, Frank Einhellinger, Robert Hoffmann, Andreas
Hofmann, Markus Huhn, Hans-Henning Kettler, Uwe Lamnek, Jan Oetjen, Christian
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren
Member of United Internet
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