On Sep 30, 2013, at 6:37 AM, Paul Whelan <paul...@blakecomp.co.uk> wrote:
> On 30 Sep 2013 at 11:03, Martin Hepworth wrote:
>> Thanks
>> was looking at the PUA page on the main www site and it's still got
>> the 2007 advice of "here be monsters tread carefully" ;-)
> I use them but Alain Zidouemba from Sourcefire replied to a question in March 
> 2013 about a 
> PUA type that didn't fall into one of the categories saying:
>> As for what PUA category it comes under, I suppose you are referring to
>> the old PUA categories we used to have. We are in the process of
>> streamlining our signatures names (we will have an announcement soon).
>> This "PUA" alert doesn't fall under any of the old PUA categories.
> I haven't heard anything since about that issue or any 'renaming' so perhaps 
> there are 
> changes still to come.

Thanks Paul,

I’ll see if we can’t get a blog post up describing our naming conventions, etc.

Joel Esler
Senior Research Engineer, VRT
OpenSource Community Manager
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