HI Christian,

Yep, we've heard that a couple of times.  We'll do our best to address it.


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Christian Salway <ccsal...@itmanx.com>wrote:

> In your new version, can you please consider how to run it on low memory
> systems (<512MB) for spamassassin other than direct from the command line
> which takes time to load each time it's called.
> Our basic internet servers we roll out to dedicated clients run on the
> Amazon EC2 micro servers and consist of mysql, postfix, dovecot, apache,
> spamassassin and clamd (disabled).  Disabled because it consumes too much
> RAM and deemed the least required because antivirus is readily available on
> desktops, tablets and phones and most clients would prefer to deal with one
> or two virus' messages than 100's of spam messages.
> At the moment, on the Amazon EC2 micro servers, there is 512Mb RAM
> available, of which, clamd consumes 30% if enabled, taking the RAM load
> from
> 165/512MB to 337/512MB, and that's before the server has started processing
> anything.
> Kind regards,
> Christian
> _______________________________________________
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