
I was using clamscan for daily scanning of our user's home directories, but it 
was getting too slow with scan times of up to 6 hours. Therefor I'm testing 
clamdscan and using multiple threads to scan. (cmd line is 
/usr/local/bin/clamdscan -m --fdpass /home)

I am getting the following error messages from clamd while scanning, and it's 
missing a lot of files. If put the Eicar test file at various spots and it's 
being missed by the scan.

Thu Mar 21 22:00:01 2013 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Thu Mar 21 22:10:01 2013 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Thu Mar 21 22:13:48 2013 -> Client disconnected while scanjob was active
Thu Mar 21 22:13:48 2013 -> Client disconnected while scanjob was active
Thu Mar 21 22:14:06 2013 -> Client disconnected while scanjob was active
Thu Mar 21 22:17:29 2013 -> Reading databases from /var/db/clamav
Thu Mar 21 22:17:36 2013 -> Database correctly reloaded (2019434 signatures)

Output from clamdscan, no errors:

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 3846.032 sec (64 m 6 s)

This is on FreeBSD 7.4-stable, clamav-0.97.7 (clamav-0.97.6 had the same 
problem). The home directories are all zfs based. clamd runs as user clamav, 
clamdscan as user root.

What could be causing this?

Kind regards,

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