I have read what it said on <http://evasi0n.com/> about it as well as blog
reports on:

What did I miss and how would it exploit OS X as the infection name would
seem to indicate?


On 2/7/13 2:23 PM, "Joel Esler"  wrote:

> On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:19 PM, Al Varnell <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:
>> After discussions with colleagues and users, we all agree that
>> Osx.Exploit.Iosjailbreak should not be considered malware.  I have submitted
>> it as an FP with MD5: eaa3401f668844c9cdc8663d67490042.
>> None of the other scanners on VirusTotal currently report it as being
>> malware.
>> All it does is unlock Apple iDevices, which may be a problem to Apple, but
>> should not be of any concern to users and does not meet any definition of
>> malware that I'm aware of.
> Have you read how it actually does the unlocking?
> --
> Joel Esler
> Senior Research Engineer, VRT
> OpenSource Community Manager
> Sourcefire
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Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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