On 1/25/2013 8:39 PM, Jim Preston wrote:
> On 01/25/2013 10:03 AM, Benny Pedersen wrote:
>> Jim Preston skrev den 24-01-2013 23:53:
>>> You may also want to change the update frequency. I am running
>>> freshclam as a cron task and set it to not be on the hour, e.g. I
>>> update at 5 minutes after the hour to try and hit the mirrors at
>>> a low
>>> load time.
>> freshclam use dns to check if there is new updates, using cron you
>> loose this functionality
>> so configure freshclam.conf to use 24 updates pr day, this will
>> try to keep updates hourly, but if some mirror is down freshclam
>> will not wait one hour to try another
>> show "freshclam --list-mirrors" if there is problems with some
>> mirrors
> Hi Benny,
> I do not understand your comment "freshclam use dns to check if
> there is new updates, using cron you loose this functionality"
> I am using freshclam but NOT running it as a daemon. Here is my cron
> task:
> 10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam >/dev/null 2>&1
> So.... as far as I understand, I am using freshclam. If I am wrong
> or loose some functionality with the cron task, can you elaborate or
> point me to the relevant documentation?
> Thanks, Jim

As long as you don't specify the --no-dns option, freshclam will use
DNS to compare the current published version before attempting to
download anything, regardless whether it's run by hand, a cronjob,
or daemonized.

At some point in the distant past, the freshclam daemon had a
tendency to misbehave/hang/crash/whatever, prompting some folks to
run it as a cron job.  This has been long fixed, and the background
daemon is the recommended method now, as it somewhat randomizes the
checking time to spread load on the download servers.  But you don't
lose anything by running it under cron.

  -- Noel Jones
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