On 1/23/13 5:52 PM, "Kaushik Vaidyanathan"  wrote:

> I had a couple of basic questions:
> a) Of the different signature formats in the cvd file(like mdb, ldb, ndb)
> which format does clamav use? Does it pick a format(ldb, mdb, ndb
> etc.) depending on the nature of the file under inspection?
It uses all of them, but some are format dependant.

> b) I guess ldb files are tough to create automatically. If thats true, then
> is the ldb file as complete as the mdb file?
My impression is that there is little, if any automation involved in the
creation of a signature. I believe they are all done manually and then
checked thorough an automated process.

> c) Which signature database(ldb or ndb or mdb etc.) is best tradeoff
> between size of database Vs false positives?
They serve different purposes, so I don't understand what sort of tradeoff
you would be interested in, if there are even statistics available to
determine the answer.

Have you read through the documentation at

Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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