On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:25 PM, Al Varnell <alvarn...@mac.com> wrote:
> On 11/26/12 9:02 AM, "polloxx"  wrote:
>> Are signatures for Belgian or Dutch bank-phishing mails (ING,
>> BNP-Paribas-Fortis, Belfius, etc) included in these databases?
> Open the "daily" portion of your database with a text editor and in the
> "daily.pdb" section you will find all the institutions used by the
> Heuristics scanning engine (e.g. H:paypal.be).
> But if you have a question for SaneSecurity you should be addressing it
> directly with them and not ClamAV
> <http://www.sanesecurity.com/contactus.htm>

Sorry Al,

I'll reply off-list to Steve.

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