All of our RedHat boxes that are running clam are reporting these errors 
(started yesterday). We run clam every day on each of these servers, in the 
middle of the night, and we haven't had an issue until now. It concerns me that 
all of them are doing this (each one reporting a different bytecode that timed 

LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode run timed out in interpreter after 765000 opcodes
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 16 failed to run: Unknown error code
LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode runtime error at line 95, col 13
LibClamAV Error: Opcode 45 of type 0 is not implemented yet!
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 16 failed to run: Invalid argument passed to function

LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode run timed out in interpreter after 680000 opcodes
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 20 failed to run: Unknown error code
LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode runtime error at line 95, col 13
LibClamAV Error: Opcode 45 of type 0 is not implemented yet!
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 20 failed to run: Invalid argument passed to function

LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode run timed out in interpreter after 19255000 opcodes

LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 1 failed to run: Unknown error code

LibClamAV Warning: Bytecode run timed out in interpreter after 1390000 opcodes
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 39 failed to run: Unknown error code

Jamen McGranahan
Systems Services Librarian
Vanderbilt University LIbrary
Central Library
Room 811
419 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37214

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