I found out one reason that i have added the eicar_com.zip file inside a
33MB zip file. So clamdscan was unable to scan.

 I have Made changes in /etc/clamd.conf as follows :

LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamd.log
LogFileMaxSize 10M
LogTime yes
LogSyslog yes
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
PidFile /var/run/clamav/clamd.pid
TemporaryDirectory /var/tmp
LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock
FixStaleSocket yes
TCPSocket 3310
TCPAddr <*Linux_Box_IP*>
MaxConnectionQueueLength 30
User clamav
AllowSupplementaryGroups yes
ScanPE yes
ScanELF yes
DetectBrokenExecutables yes
ScanOLE2 yes
ScanPDF yes
ScanMail yes
ScanPartialMessages yes
ScanHTML yes
ScanArchive yes
ArchiveBlockEncrypted no
MaxScanSize 0
MaxFileSize 0
MaxFiles 0

I want to scan all type of file extension. And i have no size limits
because i am confident about the users who are registered in my website.
Please help me out configuring the settings. I need to scan recursively
inside the directories for all files.

When i do changes in clamd.conf, then it should be reflected in clamdscan

Thanks in advance. :)

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Siranjeevi <siranjee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I am testing to get the scan report for zip, war, rar and other archive
> types.
>  When i do scan eicar_com.zip alone, Clamdscan shows the result 
> as:*/root/clamav/eicar_com.zip: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND
> *
>  But when i put it in zip and scan it in the way, it is passing the
> result. Whether clamav supports scanning zip, rar and other archive file
> types.
>  Please give me reasons why it is not scanned.
> - Regards,
>    *R.Siranjeevi**   **|  MCA @ PSG Tech*
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Count the flowers of your garden, NOT the leafs which falls away! "

   *R.Siranjeevi**   **|  MCA @ PSG Tech*
"Count the flowers of your garden, NOT the leafs which falls away! "
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