On 08/23/2012 08:35 AM, Benny Pedersen wrote:
Den 2012-08-23 14:17, infelectromed....@infomed.sld.cu skrev:


did you read it ?

Wed Aug 22 13:53:59 2012 -> clamd daemon 0.96.5 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i486)

ask your distro how to get more recently version of clamav

What I need to do to update manually the antivirus data base?? Any
idea?? Thanks...

what is the output of "uname -a"

so i know who to blame :)

If you are updating your system and the distro is not releasing a new version clamav, then I would suggest building your own. That way you are in control of the update schedule and not dependent on the distro. If this is a production system, test first on a non-production system of the same version so you are confident of your ability to complete the process. For the most part, it is a straight forward process. Here are the step:

 * Download latest source from sourceforge.net or clamav.net
 * Unpack the source
 * cd to  source directory and run the following commands
 * ./configure
 * make

uninstall the current version using the standard distro method. This is important as most distros use custom locations. Also find your configuration files and move them to a backup location. Make sure the distro files have been removed. Most distro uninstalls are good at this but.... better to be sure than having to track them down if there is a problem. Once all this is done, in the source directory run make install. Using the distro configuration files as a guide, modify the new configuration files. Do not modify any of the paths in the new configuration files without first verifying the modified path exists and has the correct user and permissions. Run freshclam. The current source no longer includes database files since they would almost always be out of date. Then start and test the clamav services. You can customize the ./configure options and get a list of options via ./configure -h. I like to run ./configure -h > options.txt and then open options.txt in a text editor so I can refer to the available options as I write the ./configure command line.

If you want to stay with the distro style installation. You can build your own installation but .... that is more involved. For instance in the Redhat style of .rpm files, you would use rpmbuild to make the .rpm files. You would also need a spec file for rpmbuild to use as a recipe for the build. If you are using Fedora, I can supply a spec file upon request.

Jim Preston

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