> "Postfix" questions should be directed to the "Postfix Mail Forum"
> <http://www.postfix.com/lists.html> "Spamassassin" questions should be
> directed towards their mailing lists:
> <http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/MailingLists>.
> You could check the documentation for both the "clamav-milter" and
> "spamassassin" to achieve your goal. Clamav-milter does has methods for
> whitelisting addresses; however, since I don't use "spamassassin" I am
> not sure how it works in that environment.
> --
> Jerry ?
Hi Jerry

Thanks for you help, yes there is a postfix solution I should have posted there.

> I wouldn't go there at all until I had proved that users machine is clean.
> From here it certainly sounds like it is infected.  You should be pretty
> positive that he needs to disinfect his machine.
This is correct and what I am going to do, I just asked the user to
remove any reference to bad keyword such as bank, credit card, etc.
The main cause I think is there were a link to a url with credit card
in it. Thanks!

> Gary,
> I don't know about Postfix but you can do some whitelisting in the milter.
> There is a dedicated "Exclusions" section in its config file[*].
> You may want to give a look at it.
> Cheers,
> -- aCaB
> [*]
> http://git.clamav.net/gitweb?p=clamav-devel.git;a=blob;f=etc/clamav-milter.conf;h=decf06bca33265a66f1482e25782161f7f1e6039;hb=HEAD#l96
Thank you aCaB, this is the original solution I was after. Much appreciated


Gary Yao.
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