On 03/14/2012 10:14 AM, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
In our case, it's all the same revision/OS (RHEL 5.x) -- we have both
32- and 64-bit to contend with, therefore 2 separate builds ...
I understand that. What I don't understand is why you don't just build
your own RPM and have your mail filtering machines install that instead
of doing weird and wonderful things with NFS.
I think creating custom RPMs for this is overkill for what I need.
Actually creating RPMs is an easy process and essentially automated,
needing just downloading the new sources and editing the version file to
match the sources. I did this as an exercise when the distributed
binaries no longer worked on my system (due to my own customizations,
not any fault of the builders). Took a little bit of figuring out but
the process was fairly simple. At the same time I worked on compiling
from sources. I choose to use the build from sources as I only have one
server to maintain clamav on. In your case, the RPMs may be a simpler
solution since you have multiple systems but ... only you can decide that.
Jim Preston
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