At 9:39 PM +0300 7/19/2011, Török Edwin wrote:

What does 'host -t TXT' output? Does it say :13334: or :13333:? Also whats the TTL on it? Should be something like 15m, if larger your DNS server might be caching these entries longer than its supposed to.

It was a few hours later, by the time I got your reply. descriptive text "0.97.1:53:13335:1311107341:1:60:30929:144"

Ok. Today, it's doing it again, but with the connect error instead of the file not found.

Twitter says:
clamav ClamAV
Daily CVD 13338 (sigs: 159451; new: 37 author: ccordes) on 20 Jul 2011 08-46 -0400
17 minutes ago

Freshclam did this:

ClamAV update process started at Wed Jul 20 09:00:17 2011
main.cvd is up to date (version: 53, sigs: 846214, f-level: 53, builder: sven)
connect_error: getsockopt(SO_ERROR): fd=6 error=61: Connection refused
Can't connect to port 80 of host (IP:
Downloading daily-13336.cdiff [100%]
Downloading daily-13337.cdiff [100%]
daily.cld updated (version: 13337, sigs: 159414, f-level: 60, builder: guitar)
bytecode.cld is up to date (version: 144, sigs: 41, f-level: 60, builder: edwin) Database updated (1005669 signatures) from (IP:
Clamd successfully notified about the update.

And dig says: 259 IN TXT "0.97.1:53:13337:1311166444:1:60:30946:144"

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
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