On 5/27/11 8:11 AM, Michael Scheidell wrote:

On 5/27/11 11:07 AM, Dennis Peterson wrote:
Obviously, but a second verification is helpful whereas rants from a sample of 
one? Well, not so much.
my email was clear, concise, and very the problem easily duplicated.

you really have a thin skin, and just about anything will get to you.. you 
sleep enough last night? too much coffee? need a break?
maybe you aren't taking your medication this week.

I think you've missed entirely the fact that I was backing up your post with additional evidence that yours was not a unique issue. Yours was, at the time I posted, the only reaction to the problem. We're on the same team out here, Michael. I honestly don't understand your anger nor your impatience with the ClamAV team. But since you went immediately to insulting me after my initial post and in this post, I have to presume you don't work well with others - it is, in fact, self-evident. No birthday card for you this year.

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