* Jerry wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:29:17 -0500 Nathan Gibbs <nat...@cmpublishers.com>
> articulated:
>> A flag day now and then (0.94.x DB issue) is OK, but not as a regularly
>> scheduled event. Whats the point of putting the latest Clamav on a system
>> when the Dev team is going to break it in a matter of months.
> I am not aware of the team issuing a new major version number that they 
> then break in a few months with a new major version update.

0.95.x was the latest version less than a year ago.  To me, it seems a little
soon to EOL it.

>> If I wanted that experience I'd use MS products exclusively. :-)
> Strangely enough, I find using old MS based products far easier than FOSS
> in many respects. Even old DOS based programs can be made to run under
> Windows (sometimes). However, that has nothing to do with this discussion.

I've seen & done that.

>> But as I've said before, the treatment of the user base leaves somewhat
>> to be desired.
> At some point the end user has to accept his/her responsibility for keeping
> their machines properly updated. I am not talking about every day, but at
> least every few months,


> six at most,

That is a good way to do it.
That is also your policy/opinion.
It may not work for someone else.

> a user should inventory their system and take appropriate maintenance. To
> expect others to waste valuable time in developing a product and keeping it
>  fully compatible with older versions is ludicrous.

Supporting 0.94.x or earlier now would be a waste of resources.

I did feel bad for the 0.94x and 0.93x users who got caught in last years flag
day, but it was a flag day what are you gonna do.
Those running 0.92x or older, IMNSHO were just plain stupid and got what they
But I do realize that it is just my not so humble opinion, and they just might
have had good reasons for running software that old.

> “If you blame others for your failures, do you credit them with your
> success?”

Thats an unsafe question to answer.
No matter how its answered, you shoot yourself in the foot.

Its like  "Have you quit beating your wife?"
Yes - You were beating her.
No - You are beating her.

The failures are usually all mine.
The successes usually involve other people.

And attribution is always the right way.
Open Source wouldn't work otherwise.


Nathan Gibbs

Systems Administrator
Christ Media

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