ClamAV is not specifically designed to be a host-based AV although you
can use it as such. If you want a ClamAV solution specially designed
to run on end systems, check out ClamAV for Windows:


On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Henrik K <> wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 06:08:38AM -0700, Fred-145 wrote:
>> Hello
>> I searched the archives of this mailing-list (the web interface to the
>> archives of the ClamWin doesn't provide a search option) and read the links
>> provided in the subscription e-mail (,
>>,, but only found a single thread
>> from 2004 on the subjet.
>> I like the fact that ClamAV is open-source, but I can only recommend
>> ClamAV-included live CDs (like or to
>> customers if it's as reliable as the closed-source leaders such as Kasperksy
>> or AVG in detecting (and ideally, fixing) viruses on Windows hosts.
>> Is there a recent and unbiased review of ClamAV vs. closed-source
>> alternatives?
> As ClamAV itself says: "designed especially for e-mail scanning on mail
> gateways". Given this purpose and the (little) amount of staff writing
> signatures, it's obvious that ClamAV is not "reliable for fixing" infected
> computers. It's meant for detecting incoming threats.
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