On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Chris Meadors <cla...@clubneon.com> wrote:
> On 4/23/2010 8:02 PM, Chris Knight wrote:
>> 1) Release a new version that pulls updates from a new hostname.
>> 2) Wait a couple of weeks, or even six months....
>> 3) Shut down old servers,
> 4. Orphan *all* previous versions, including the still heavily used, and
> valid, 0.95s which were released before the hostname change, not just the
> buggy 0.94 and older.

What?  Somebody was running .95 and not the absolute latest?  Why
would anyone do that?  I am in absolute shock. Shock and horror and
sarcasm.  Yes, lots of sarcasm.
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