On Apr 16, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:

> Em 16/04/2010 15:47, Gary MacKay escreveu:
>> OK, who's the mental midget that decided to just up and kill all 
>> installations of clamav ??? I am flooded today with calls that email servers 
>> are not working!!!!! Every d*(n one of them is the same thing. ClamAV just 
>> died. Stupid!!!!!!!! I have never heard of a program that just because I did 
>> not update it, it shuts down?? Even Microsoft does not do this!! This has 
>> got to be the stupidest thing ever!!!!  OK, so the version is not updated 
>> and it is probably not catching all the viri that is should. SO WHAT!!!! 
>> That's my responsibility/fault. But don't go shutting everything down and 
>> killing corporate email all together!!!!!! Retards...
>> Off to find a replacement.......
>    wow .... even i, who also do not agree with the sending of the kill 
> signature, think people should be polite in ANY situation.
>    i sent some emails earlier and, despite my opinion is not the same of 
> clamav team, i really think i was polite.
>    but being polite is not for everyone .... as the abobe email proves.

You are absolutely correct. I am still angered, but I do apologize to all for 
expressing it the way I did. I had no right to talk that way. 

> -- 
>       Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
>       Leonardo Rodrigues
>       Solutti Tecnologia
>       http://www.solutti.com.br
>       Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
>       gertru...@solutti.com.br
>       My SPAMTRAP, do not email it
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