On 03/09/2010 08:06 PM, Kris Deugau wrote:
> Török Edwin wrote:
>> It should already be whitelisted:
>> X:.+\.amazon\.(at|ca|co\.uk|co\.jp|com|de|fr)([/?].*)?:.+\.amazon\.com([/?].*)?:17-
>> X:.+:.+images\.amazon\.com([/?].*)?:17-
>> What is the domain of the image, and the domain of the href target?
>> Can you craft a simple example html mail with just a url, the img url,
>> with just the domains? (without the actualy path and query params).
> I checked this out, and it looks like it wasn't one of the link images.
>  (Although those use amazon.ca -> ssl-images-amazon.com.)
> I then dig out all of the links (~15), and dropped them in a minimal
> email one by one.
> I found the one that was triggering the test to look like this:
> [a href="http://www.amazon.ca/"]Amazon.com.ca, Inc.[/a]
> I tried creating a daily.wdb, which seemed to get loaded, but didn't
> have any effect:
> X:.+\.amazon.ca.+:.+amazon\.com\.ca.+
> According to the debug output, it seems libclamav truncated the .com.ca
> to just .com:
> LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck:Checking url
> http://www.amazon.ca/->Amazon.com.ca, Inc.
> LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck:URL after cleanup:
> http://www.amazon.ca->amazon.com.ca,inc
> LibClamAV debug: Phishing: looking up in whitelist:
> http://www.amazon.ca:amazon.com; host-only:0
> LibClamAV debug: Looking up in regex_list: http://www.amazon.ca:amazon.com/
> LibClamAV debug: Lookup result: not in regex list
> LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck:host:.amazon.com
> LibClamAV debug: Looking up in regex_list: amazon.com/
> LibClamAV debug: calc_pos_with_skip: skip:12, 0 - 10
> "amazon.com","amazon.com/"
> LibClamAV debug: calc_pos_with_skip:
> LibClamAV debug: Got a match: amazon.com/ with /moc.nozama
> LibClamAV debug: Before inserting .: .amazon.com
> LibClamAV debug: Lookup result: in regex list
> LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck:host:.www.amazon.ca
> LibClamAV debug: Phishing: looking up in whitelist:
> .www.amazon.ca:.amazon.com; host-only:1
> LibClamAV debug: Looking up in regex_list: www.amazon.ca:amazon.com/
> LibClamAV debug: Lookup result: not in regex list
> LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck: Phishing scan result: URLs are way too
> different
> ... but if that were all, the existing whitelist should have passed it.

The existing whitelist doesn't pass because amazon.com doesn't have
anything preceding it.

Try this:

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