At 1:12 PM +0200 4/17/09, Wolfgang Cernohorsky wrote:
>Suntower West wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I'm getting a positive for this in a Eudora mailbox (which is
>>  basically just an ASCII file.) However, when I scan the same file
>>  with Comodo it comes up as clean.
>Today clamav found the same in
>"clamav-users Digest, Vol 55, Issue 15" ...

And you will especially on any mail list or email that discusses 
phishing and malware vectors. It is all a matter of context.

This particular paypal phishing signature has no business showing up 
anywhere legitimate EXCEPT in forums and correspondence that 
discusses malware. The signature is valid. The fact that you are 
scanning emails that inherently discusses malware is bound to 
generate detections at some time.

Please, if you don't want to detect phishing attempts or malware 
vectors either 1) disable these in your clam.conf file and vet the 
unofficial rule files you use, 2) unsubscribe from all sources where 
you might receive them, or 3) (my recommended solution) set these 
rules to "score" and whitelist all sources that discuss these topics.

clamav-users is an obvious place where malware and its vectors are 
discussed as well as mailing lists from other AV, security and mail 
server folks, sanesecurity,,, etc. as well as 
email containing logs from firewalls, routers, etc and email from 
folks you discuss any of these issues with.  You should also consider 
whitelisting your incoming abuse address to allow for abuse report 
reaching your abuse desk.

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