My environment:
    AIX 4.3.3 (yeah, I know it's old)
    GCC 2.95.2
    Clamav v0.95
I'm getting the same error " LibClamAV Warning: Cannot dlopen: file not found - 
unrar support unavailable".
I've tried setting the LIBPATH variable to "/usr/local/lib" (LIBPATH is the AIX 
equivalent to LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
Here's the contents of /usr/local/lib:
/usr/local/lib joe: ls -l libclam*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     system   1799258 Mar 25 15:16 libclamav.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system       978 Mar 25 15:16
-rw-r--r--   1 root     system    125990 Mar 25 15:16 libclamunrar.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system       918 Mar 25 15:16
-rw-r--r--   1 root     system     17008 Mar 25 15:16 libclamunrar_iface.a
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     system       969 Mar 25 15:16

Here's how I built it:
export CC="/usr/local/bin/gcc"
export LDFLAGS="-lpthreads -liconv"
./configure --disable-clamav --enable-static --disable-shared
after the configure:
    cd clamd
    edit the Makefile and take out the -D_ALL_SOURCE directive
    cd ..
    run gmake

Any ideas?

- Joe Vigil
P.S. I didn't have this problem on v0.94.2; I built it the same way.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of George R. Kasica
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:03 AM
To: ClamAV users ML
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Problems builing in solaris related to unrar 

I'm not sure how to use crle to do this, so I just added to the

All seems well at this point, and you were correct, I wasn't looking
to disable the feature.

Why does this not occur in Red Hap ES4 but on Solaris? Also, I haven't
needed to modify the env variables on any prior versions...what's


>On 2009-03-17 18:43, George R. Kasica wrote:
>> I've compiled the 0.95rc2 here on Solaris and when installed and I run
>> the clamd I get the following error but its still running.
>> # /usr/local/clamav/sbin/clamd
>> LibClamAV Warning: Cannot dlopen: file not found - unrar support
>> unavailable
>It is only a warning, you won't be able to scan RAR archives, but
>everything else should still work.
>Is /usr/local/clamav/lib on your runtime search path?
>If not I think  you can use crle to add it, or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>environment variable, and unrar should be working again.
>> I thought all I had to do was to have it commented out in clamd.conf
>> # Due to license issues libclamav does not support RAR 3.0 archives
>> (onlythe
>> # old 2.0 format is supported). Because some users report stability
>> problems
>> # with unrarlib it's disabled by default and you must uncomment the
>> directive
>> # below to enable RAR 2.0 support.
>> # Default: disabled
>> #ScanRAR
>This is an old configuration option that no longer exists.
>> But that doesn't seem to stop it from trying to load rar support.
>If you don't want RAR support, you can configure with --disable-unrar,
>but I don't think that is what you want.
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