Christopher X. Candreva wrote:
> I have started testing the new clamav-milter. We had been doing some 
> specialized procvessing with the old one, and I am trying to see if we can 
> do this with the new one.
> We reject (5xx) viruses in the initial connection. We use the postmaster 
> notify feature, and feed those message to a script that logs To, From, 
> Subject, and Date in an SQL database. This way our users or support can 
> check later to see if a mail was rejected and why.
> I have not seen any easy way to extract this information from the logs the 
> milter makes, even with verbose logging on. Is their an existing option that 
> will let me extract this information ?

Hi Christopher,

I've just added a new option to tell the milter to log infected messages:
LogInfected <Off|Basic|Full>

- Off means nothing gets logged
- Basic results in a line like this:
Message from <a...@darqness> to <a...@blaqness> infected by ClamAV-Test-File
- Full results in a line like this:
Message 7C13E1266B2 from <a...@darqness> to <a...@blaqness> with subject
'This is a virus' message-id '<e1lkkfu-0000sr...@darqness>' date 'Thu,
19 Mar 2009 17:00:54 +0100' infected by ClamAV-Test-File

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