Török Edwin wrote:
> On 2009-02-28 11:54, Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> At :
>>      https://wiki.clamav.net/Main/UpgradeNotes095
>> I read :
>> **********************************
>> In clamd 0.95 it is recommended to prefix all commands with the z 
>> character, to indicate that the command will be deliminated by a '\0' 
>> character; clamd will then continue reading until a '\0' character is 
>> read. This is similar to the n prefix that was supported in 0.94 too, 
>> and which is still accepted (indicating a \n terminator). Clamd honours 
>> the terminator in its replies.
>> **********************************
>> About the "which is still accepted". Does this means that in some future 
>> release, the n prefix will no more be accepted ?
> No, we don't have any plans on removing the 'n' prefix. The code is
> already there to handle it.
>> A suggestion : clamd could also accept commands terminated with "\n\0" 
>> and remove the "\n" at the end of the command if present.
> Why? One of the reasons for introducing zCOMMANDS and \0 terminator is
> to handle filenames that may have an embedded \n.
> If we strip \n from the end, then zCOMMAND\0 is not better than nCOMMAND\n.

I see. Removing a '\n' when it's just before the '\0' may not be better 
but doesn't harm. I'm wrong ?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to maintain compatibility 
between different versions of clamd and j-chkmail (and other filters). 
There are people who are still using old versions (one year old or even 
more) of clamd or the filter. Compatibility shall be ok even if the age 
difference between clamd/filter is more than a year, in both directions.

If you have a suggestion...

  Jose Marcio MARTINS DA CRUZ           http://j-chkmail.ensmp.fr
  Ecole des Mines de Paris
  60, bd Saint Michel                      75272 - PARIS CEDEX 06
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