Hi all,

Always very enjoyable, those flame wars....:-) It shows that IQ doesn't 
always equal EQ, especially for IT.
I had the same problem. Using Clamav for many years, I changed to Plesk 
and wanted to unsubscribe.
But how? Maybe it was because I am using Thunderbird, but I did not see 
how. Possibly my (lack of) IQ...haha.
So I opted for the not very elegant solution of declaring the 
Clamav-mail SPAM...:-(

Thanks a lot for the url  
http://lists.clamav.net/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users !
Ok, it took me some time to find out with which email address I had 
subscribed.... But I found it.

So now I can officially unsubscribe and I wish the Clamav community good 
luck and less arrogance!

Kind regards


sysadmin My Webhost Enterprise

Gary L Burnore wrote:
> -----
>> From: clamav-users-boun...@lists.clamav.net [mailto:clamav-users-
>> boun...@lists.clamav.net] On Behalf Of Laurens
>> Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 10:09 PM
>> To: ClamAV users ML
>> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] OT: Re: please remove
>> I have been wanting to unsubscribe from this fucking thing for over a
>> year.... can not remember log in details etc and as a result I keep
>> getting
>> this shit.
> Ok, someone's gotta say it, YOU are a fucking moron.  The info can be found
> at the bottom of every one of these posts,
>> I have written, mailed and asked politely.... all to no avail.... it is
>> now called spam.
> No, it's not. But feel free to believe anything your little brain desires.
> DO it yourself.  Go to this page http://www.clamav.net/support/ml
> Click on the link that says clamav-users obtaining support for UNIX
> platforms. It will take you here:
> http://lists.clamav.net/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users
> Look down at the bottom, (that's the opposite of where you like to post) and
> see this: 
> To unsubscribe from clamav-users, get a password reminder, or change your
> subscription options enter your subscription email address:
> And a little box.  Type your email address in the little box and click The
> big box that says "Unsubscribe or edit options" and when you see the next
> page, click on the button that says Unsubscribe, you'll get an email
> By clicking on the Unsubscribe button, a confirmation message will be
> emailed to you. This message will have a link that you should click on to
> complete the removal process (you can also confirm by email; see the
> instructions in the confirmation message).
> Oh, and thank you for proving we don't need to see anything ELSE at the
> bottom of the page as fools will ignore it anyway.
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