Steve Basford schrieb:
> 14/12/08
> Sanesecurity signatures are no longer being updated or distributed due
> to extremely high server resource usage, which appears to be from a
> distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). I've moved server hosts
> twice (which takes time) and both times have resulted in the site being
> suspended.
> As many of you know, I produce the signatures and run the site, in my
> spare time and with Christmas approaching I’m finding my spare time is
> currently limited.
> Hopefully this won’t be the end of the signatures and I’m hoping that
> they may return in the New Year.
> May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped this
> project, either by providing samples, bandwidth, download scripts or
> donating.
> Thanks and sorry to let you all down.
> Steve
> Sanesecurity
> _______________________________________________
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Hi Steve,
mail to me offlist maybe i can help in mirror or something else

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer

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