On Wednesday 12 November 2008 3:34 pm, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:17:19 -0600
> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Question is why is there not enough data for submission at the above
> > date/time when the next time freshclam is run 10 records are submitted.
> > For instance between Nov  6 22:50:44 and Nov  9 11:21:56 2008 according
> > to my clamd log there were there were nine malwares detected yet 10 were
> > submitted. I'm just trying to understand what 'trips' the stats
> > submission.
> Chris,
> to optimize the submission process (also at our servers), freshclam submits
> the data in portions of 10 records (max 50 in one session), eg. if you have
> 45 new records, then it will submit 40, if 78 then it will submit the
> latest 50 entries, and if you have 9 records it won't submit anything.
> Many thanks for submitting your stats to us!

Thanks Nathan and Tomasz it all makes sense now. Appreciate the replies.


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