Alejandro Pedraza wrote:
>>> Does clamav have a mechanism to find out a file is an archive without
>>> relying on its extension? For example does it know it has to unzip a
>>> zipped file even if its extension was changed to a random one
>>> different than .zip ?
>> ClamAV doesn't rely on file extensions. It uses magic numbers, special
>> signatures and heuristics to detect file types.
> Excellent. Thanks for the fast reply.
> -- Alejandro
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Somewhat off topic but does someone here know if there's a standard file 
extension that represents a null program. What I mean is that we rename 
some attachment suffixes to .txt but this causes some problems with some 
applications. We'd like to rename the attachments with another suffix, 
one that will never be used for an application (present or future). Does 
anyone know if a standard suffix has been created for just this purpose?

Roberto Ullfig - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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