I've posted a couple of pleas which have gone unanswered, so I'll post a
bit more info in the hopes that I'm being clearer..

I'm in New Zealand, and I'm trying to sync my freshclam with
db.nz.clamav.net. Sometimes it seems to work, other times it doesn't.

I'll get this error:

WARNING: getfile: main-48.cdiff not found on remote server (IP:

so I changed to db.uk.clamav.net and the main-48.cdiff downloaded
correctly, however, immediately after that, I got:

WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-7912.cdiff from db.uk.clamav.net

I got the same error about daily-7912.cdiff from db.us.clamav.net

>From the UK and US servers, my freshclam seems to have updated:

daily.cvd updated (version: 8212, sigs: 22057, f-level: 35, builder:
Database updated (421321 signatures) from db.us.clamav.net (IP:

but from db.nz.clamav.net, it just fails, waits 5 seconds, and tries
again, etc..

Is anyone else having issues downloading daily-7912.cdiff? Is this a
mirror problem, or a problem with my local cache, or something else

Any info or help greatly appreciated.


Spiro Harvey                  Knossos Networks Ltd
021-295-1923                    www.knossos.net.nz

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