My clamstats script has quit working again. It correctly reports the number of 
sigs in the database however it doesn't seem to be picking up on the found 
virus's. Here is the line(s) I believe that pertain to this:

 } elsif (($virus) = ($log =~ /^stream(?: \d+)?: (.+) FOUND/ )) {

I 'think' the issue is that the ip and port have been added to the log:

Fri Sep  5 03:31:14 2008 -> stream([EMAIL PROTECTED]): 
Email.Scam4.Gen668.Sanesecurity.07050106.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

I 'assume' that is the port number after the @? Anyway what change would need 
to be made to the line above to have it show the found virus?

The entire script is here:

Thanks for any help


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Attachment: pgpk7LhflxsjV.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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