On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Aron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have about 500MB virus now, but I haven't finnished detecting the virus to 
> see which clamav cannot realize.And I am starting a small project to collect 
> virus and commit them to some antivirus software.As for ClamAV,it cannot 
> discover many virus from China and I would like to help clamav get more virus 
> in China, I will commit every virus I have tested to you.Because our project 
> is drived by two high school students including me,the tests may cost long 
> time if we are busy studing sometime.
> I would like to have a fast way to commit virus to you so that I don't need 
> to send every virus via web page,that may cost much time.And because my email 
> server is using AVP,I will use encrypted way,and I wonder if you like using 
> gpg with public key or using gpg with only a password.
> About,the known virus,I would give you the names from some antivirus software 
> like AVG , AVP and RAV(Risng Antivirus from China),and we can have more 
> member to join us,so we will have more antivirus software to detect.
> As for the unknown ones,we would test them first and if we can,we will tell 
> you about what will happen if the OS is infected by the unknow files.
> Regards,
> Aron Xu

What about writing a perl script using WWW::Mechanize?

Before automating something to post thousands of viruses to that web
page, you might want to warn a real human first.

Michael Grant
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