On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Ventsyslav Vassilev wrote:
> First, you may want to upgrade your BIND version!
> This one is vulnerable to cache poisoning!

Charles quietly represses the urge to post his opinion of a certain
crimson headgear company that introduced a wonderful stable #9 version of
their OS and then utterly ABANDONED those users and left them with NO
automated updates (except for an exorbitant fee beyond the reach of the
not-for-profit community) less than a YEAR after release.

Charles applauds the efforts of the CentOS developers, who have made it
possible for him to upgrade to a compatible environment. This move is
currently in progress, after which I am going to be delighted to have
fully up-to-date software on my servers.... And sleep better at night.


- Charles

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