Hello, Everyone.

We've recently updated our CentOS-5 machine to clamav-0.93.1 
from clamav-0.93. We're using the rpms from the dag repo here:

We have a nightly cron job on the machine that does this:
clamscan -i -r  /some/where/

Since upgrading, we've been receiving these errors after
each scan:

LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed
LibClamAV Warning: read 278 macro_entries failed

What do they mean?

Thank you,

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