It was maybe a bad example 
I have the problem with all my mails i want to receive 
So all mails get a reject=553 5.3.0 Rejected - see http://ordb.org/ 
In the log, no mail comes through. 

So thanks Rick
Y meen it is a problem in the sendmail.mc file ?

So is it possible to add
define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `clamav')dnl

directly in sendmail.cf ?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Betreff: [english 96%] Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter problem reject=553
5.3.0Rejected - see http://ordb.org/

I don't believe that this is a clamav issue. clamav filters for
viruses and phishing using it's own databases. What you are showing
here is a DNSBL rejection.

The IPnumber is listed in a number of DNSBL lists as

If is the IPnumber of your mail server you need to work
to get it off the DNSBL lists, otherwise you won't be very successful
in sending mail. One place to start is <http://www.robtex.com/rbl/>.

If is not your machine, but simply a machine you're
trying to send to, then you don't need to worry (unless you really
need to get in touch with someone whose mail goes through that

You might want to do a comparison (e.g., diff) of, and actually look
through, the sendmail.mc and sendmail.cf from before and after you
added the clamav bit. I suspect that you'll see that the DNSBL
entries were there all along (at least in the .mc). If you don't
regenerate the .cf from the .mc and/or don't restart sendmail with
the new .cf then changes previously made in the .mc won't take
effect. E.g., if the dnsbl entries were put in the .mc but a new .cf
wasn't generated they wouldn't take effect until you just regenerated
the .cf for your clamav changes.

  - Rick

------------ Original Message ------------
> Date: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:44:34 PM +0200
> From: "Andreas Schwantner, MAS, MSC, MPOS, Med"
> To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net
> Subject: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter problem reject=553 5.3.0
Rejected - see http://ordb.org/
> Jun  8 00:26:59 myserver  sendmail[1585]: ruleset=check_relay,
> arg1=[], arg2=, relay=[],
> reject=553 5.3.0 Rejected - see http://ordb.org/
> So it is not possible to send mails to my server, i get a erroe 553
> 5.3.0 
> I got a backup of sendmail.cf i used and it works again.
> I use sendmail.cf with milter it does not work?
> Suggestions?
> Thanks !
> Andreas
---------- End Original Message ----------

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