Berényi Attila wrote: > Hi there, > > I have this annoying problem, and I don't know what to do. I've tried to > set up a mailfiltering system with postfix, amavis, spamassassin and > clamav, and the first three is working great, but if I enable the virus > scanning in amavis, postfix throws the mail away beacuse it couldn't > connect to clamav's local soket. >
Print the output of the clamconf command. Hide any passwords (proxy...) There is no clamd.ctl socket in /var/run/clamav and that suggests a problem with the clamd.conf file. Your clamd process is running as user root. Probably not what you want. Also, when looking at the process table you can eliminate the "grep" command from the output this way: Instead of: # ps aux |grep clamd use: # ps aux |grep [c]lamd The square brackets are your friend. dp _______________________________________________ Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit