A signature that detects WScr.Unsafe.D under 0.93 is below


create by:

0. Get main.db from main.cvd with sigtool --unpack
    grep WScr.Unsafe.D in main.db
    remove the label leaving only the hex
1. reverse the hex to get the partial script text eg
    cat the hex  | perl -ne 'chomp;print pack("H*",$_)'
2. wrap the script text with <HTML><SCRIPT><!--   --></SCRIPT></HTML>
    to convince sigtool it is html
    (should also work without the SCRIPT or comment) 
3. normalize the html with
    sigtool --html-normalise 
4. remove tags (ie <html><script><!-- --></script></html>
    from nocomment.html
5. create a hex signature from the result
    eg   sigtool --hex-dump 
6. create a .ndb database file by adding a name, type and offset
    (use sigtool --list to make sure the name you choose doesn't clash
     with an existing one. Also choose a name you think won't clash with
     a future clamav signature name )

On Fri, 2 May 2008, David Shrimpton wrote:

> Thanks,
> This  quote from the bugzilla posts is quite amusing:
> "As for the official clamav signatures, please stand assured that when the new
> code will be in the stable release, all the broken signatures will be properly
> fixed."
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