Török Edwin schrieb:
> Ralf Prengel wrote:
>> Suse 10.3
>> Since some days I  can t get any updates using freshclam.
>> My networking is working.
>> Can anyone give me an hint what is going wrong?
>> Thanks
>> gnoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> ERROR: getpatch: Can't download daily-6463.cdiff from database.clamav.net
>> WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
>> Retrieving http://database.clamav.net/daily.cvd
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> Ignoring mirror (due to previous errors)
>> ERROR: Can't download daily.cvd from database.clamav.net
>> Restoring incremental directory daily.inc from backup
>> Giving up on database.clamav.net...
>> Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors listed in 
>> freshclam.conf is working. Check 
>> http://www.clamav.net/support/mirror-problem for possible reasons.
> Did you try removing mirrors.dat as described on that page?


I read the german translation that differs from the english version.

Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors listed in 
freshclam.conf is working.

     * Es scheint nicht dein Tag zu sein! Freshclam hat erfolglos jede 
Möglichkeit die Updates zu holen ausprobiert. Normalerweise bedeutet es 
das alle Mirrors in deinem lokalen Pool nicht erreichbar oder nicht 
synchronisiert sind. Vielleicht ist auch etwas ganz häßliches passiert. 
Bitte warte einige Minuten und versuche es dann nochmal. Vergiss nicht 
die Option -v beim Aufruf von freshclam zu benutzen. Sollte das Problem 
weiterhin bestehen dann kontrolliere die Mirror Status Seite und sende 
die Ausgabe von freshclam -v an Luca .

Update failed. Your network may be down or none of the mirrors listed in 
freshclam.conf is working.

     * It’s not your lucky day. Freshclam tried every possible way to 
download the updates but failed. Usually this means that all the mirrors 
in your local pool are down or not synchronized, or something really 
nasty happened. Please wait a few minutes and try again. Remember to 
pass the -v option to freshclam. It is also possible that you recently 
had a prolonged network outage and freshclam blacklisted all the 
mirrors: remove mirrors.dat from the DatabaseDirectory and try again. If 
the problem persists, check the mirror status page and perhaps send the 
output of freshclam -v to Luca .

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